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Showing posts from 2018

Unity Free Tutorials

These are the Unity tutorials I watched. I watched this one because I was thinking of adding in a cursor but I am not sure if I want it for my game. I want to have a scoreboard at the end of my game. I am still looking for a different video to how to make a scoreboard. This video looks difficult and there are different parts. I want to make a simple one. I haven't tried doing this yet but watching this video it looks too long and difficult for me to do it.

Games Testing

This reading blog is about testing the game and criticism within our game. Testing and getting feedback on your game will let you know what is and isn't working. Solo Testing , this article talks about how there are different kinds of playtesting, such as Bug Testing, Focus Testing, Usability Testing, Balance Testing and Fun Testing. All the testing have some common elements. Each test has different goals and knowing what goal you want to achieve when testing them will let you know if it works or not. If it works perfect, if not we have to go back and see where the problem is and fix them and test them again to see if it work this time. There are different playtesters, for example, yourself, other game designers, close friends and family, experienced gamers and complete strangers. Each tester has their own strengths and weaknesses. Giving criticism  was another article I read. This article talks about how criticism is a good thing. When you are giving feedback to someo...


The game is slowly getting to where I want it to go but I am still having a problem with making the player collect the animal and instant death when hitting the "zookeeper" When I add in the codes to make the player collecting the animal it wouldn't work but it collecting the "key" works if you go over it and makes a ding sound so I know its working. Either today or tomorrow I will work on it again and see if it will work. Hopefully, it works. The instant death still wouldn't work for me, the "zookeeper" either doesn't move or it goes off the floor. I added in more animals and zookeeper to make the game more interesting. I didn't want to have too many levels since it only for a project and I'm not making a real game for everyone in the world to play. So I'm thinking of having at least 3-4 levels. I am also thinking of having an item that makes you go faster but I don't think that's possible for me to do since I can...

Unity Free Tutorials

These are the videos I watch for this week. I didn't have any problems giving these video a try. The first video I watch was about making the cube move on your commands. There was a lot of different videos of how to do this but this was the only video that was easy and simple. Other videos I watched had lots of difficult coding, even when they explain it to me it was still confusing and didn't think there was a point for me adding that code in. Even when I did the same way as they done it, there was always a problem telling Unity3D there is an error. This video I watch was about adding a timer in for my game. At first, I thought it was going to be difficult to do but it wasn't. This was the only video I watched to make a timer. I did want it to count down a certain minute but decided to leave it as counting how long you can complete this level. The last video I watch was about making a cube move by itself. This one was also simple, I think this was the seco...

Game Stories

Another week, another reading blog. Level 8 Introduction and Readings  was one of the articles I read this week. It talks briefly about the diversion to go into the whole "can games be art?" thing. There are 4 reasons why waste our time retreading old ground. The concept of Fun and how to make games more enjoyable. Fun is not the only purpose of game design and in fact that some games can be successful in their design goals even if they are not fun in the way that games are. It is a debate that has been going on for ages. It comes up in conversation among designers from time to time.  Art games that are made primarily for the purpose of artistic expression are reaching a critical mass. A lot of art games are very simple and small in scope, it is made by a single person in a short period of time.  Know enough about the art history and art criticism to be dangerous. Into the Woods: A Practical Guide to the Hero's Journey  articles was about making a sto...

First Playable

For this blog post, I will talk about the first playable version of the game. I have been working on the gates of the zoo and the cage where the animals are trapped in. I couldn't get a person to be the zookeeper, well I can be they couldn't walk and it looked dumb so instead, I used a cube and change the size of it because I didn't want it to look the same as the animals. I didn't know how to add in a model of a key so I used one of the gems we got when watching the tutorials of Jimmy Vegas. My past project blog post, I wanted to collect the key then free the animals with them following you behind. I felt that was too difficult to do so I decided that once you collect the key/gem you then have to go and get the animals. Once you collect all the animals on that level and didn't die when you touched the zookeeper, there will be an open gate and outside the gate, there is a box just outside the gate. You go there and that will stop the timer, which tells you t...

Week 8 Progress

For this post, it will be about my review on my class progress in general. For this week, I felt that there is too much work to do in such a short time. I know I can get through it but I also know I am going to be tired and need that Christmas break that is coming up. I am okay with the progress I am doing for all the modules, I also have a weekly routine. Some modules routine is different but for this module I usually do work every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and whatever is left over the weekend. For group project, I do all my work during the class. For website design, I do work during lab time or on Wednesday. The rest of the module I just work on them when I have the time or the weekend. Out of all the class assignments, I enjoy the website one because I know what I am doing and it is not too much work because I can do it during lab time. Other than that, I don't think I like any other assignment that was given because it was given to us in since a short notice. The extra...

Week 8 Comments and Feedback

Here is about blog about comments and feedback, I will be talking about what I think about the blog commenting and project feedback assignments. The comments and feedback that I got from other students from this course, it was really good and helpful. Most of the comments was giving me tips on what I can do to improve on my game and it was something I didn't think about or I forgot about the features they mentioned to me in the comments. Since I was given them tips I kept in mind to use them for the game and wrote it down on where I leave all my notes for all the different modules so I know I would and can go back on it if I every feel like I am forgetting to add something. The comments and feedback I am giving to other students from this course, I like to think they are helping and doesn't sound too mean. I hope I gave them some tips like the other students did to me for the game project. What I found would be a good feedback strategies is that if we are going to say somet...

Week 8 Reading and Writing

This week is review week, so for this blog and this week I will be going back to my last blog post and give you my thoughts on them. Looking back at my Reading blogs, at the start I put some effort in and we continue on doing this every week I wasn't putting as much effort I did at the start. I don't know about you guys but I am getting tired and bored doing the same thing every week. For me, I don't like writing and reading that much. I like reading but I only like it when it's something I am interested in. Yeah I like to play games but I don't care about how it was made but it was also interesting to know the different games and the different elements when making a game. I just didn't think it was useful for me since I didn't want to be a game designer. Reading the notes did help me when designing the game for this module assignment. It was useful when I read about the different elements and MDA. My favourite reading was either the Game Elements  o...


For this project blog, we have been asked to create a prototype of our game. This is the start of making the game I want, a game called "Zoobe". I named it "Zoobe" because the animals will be in the shape of a cube and the location is at the zoo. I realised that having the animals as a cube was difficult. The Unity Assets store had what I want but I had to pay for it so instead I created my own material and add in the animal's face. This is what the animals will look like; I watched different videos while doing my game. In my last Unity Tutorial blog, I showed the videos I watched. The main menu page looks like this: Like I said in my last blog, using the TextMesh Pro didn't work for me so I left that out and used the normal text. What I am planning is that the game would somewhat look like a zoo and have the animals in the cages.  It is going to be difficult but I hope by the end of this assignment I will have the game I enjoy playing and ...

Unity Free Tutorials

For now on unity tutorials will be about what I am going to add in for my game. Watching tutorials video will help me create the game I want to make.  I already have a problem with my menu page. I follow everything from the video but it says I have an error. This is one of the reasons why I don't want to become a game designer.  I don't like coding, it just confusing and I don't really get what is going on but hopefully, over time I know the basic coding. The video below, I had a problem adding in the TextMesh Pro. TextMesh Pro is just making the text clearer. Since I am having a problem with add that in I decided to leave it out. Other than that, the tutorial helped. This was another tutorial video I watched.

Game Fun

This week reading blog is about the Game Fun. "Fun" is just another word for "learning". Putting players in a flow state is where this elusive "fun" comes from. The first article I read was  Level 7: Kinds of Fun , it was about the different kinds of fun and how they considered in video game development to create a fun game to play. It references back to the article  MDA Framework , we know there are different fun and an MDA Framework needs the rules of the game, description of how to play the game and what would the player experience. To make a game fun you will need: Sensation -  A game that considers the audio and video "eye candy" of the video game. Fantasy -  Games can provide a make-believe world that is more interesting than the real world. Narrative - A game needs a story, either of the embedded kind that designers put there or the emergent kind that is created through player action. Challenge - Some games either an a...

Tech Tip: Blogger Template

For this blog post, I will be about how I changed the design from Emporio to Notable. I changed the theme to Notable because it was the only design I liked out of the rest. I was getting bored with the theme Emporio and thought it would be nice to have a new style for my blog. Old design; New design;

Final GDD

My GDD document didn't have enough detail to hand it over to someone like a programmer and for them to be able to create the game I wanted. So I updated my  DunDoc . All my information for my game will be in my GDD DunDoc.

Unity Tutorial 05

This week Unity Tutorial, I had some problems with some of the things in the video. It was difficult but I got it working the same way as the video. I would've to go back and watch it a few times because it wasn't working and I didn't know what I did wrong. I still don't know what I did wrong, so I had to redo a few things. It was getting annoying after a while, I'm just happy that I got it done and it worked. Other than that, I now have more knowledge and a few ideas that I would like to do for my game. Some of the things I learned how to do it would be usefully for my game and hopefully, I can use it for my game and it would work. Screenshot from Unity3D

Games Decisions

The reading for this week is about the interactivity between players and systems that sets games apart from most other traditional media. Discussing the decision making and flow theory for games. Being a systems designer, you will have to deal with these when making a game. The article,  Cozy Game  by Daniel Cook was one of the articles I read for this week was written for an audience of interaction designers to explain what productivity applications can learn from games. In the process, it also happens to touch on some core concepts of game design and the nature of "fun" which is one of the topics we discuss. I learn that coziness refers to how strongly a game evokes the safety, abundance and softness. Safety:  A cozy game shouldn't have any danger and risk. There isn't any loss or threat for a cozy game. Abundance:  A cozy game should have a sense of quality. Nothing is lacking, pressing or imminent. Softness:  A cozy game uses strong aesthetic signal...

Tech Tip: Google Map

For this blog post, I am going to show you a map of my favourite holiday place. I went to Malaga in December 2016 with my family minus my youngest brother because he didn't want to go for some reason but we went again in the summer with him and my cousins. In December, we only went for 5 days. The weather was like summer for Ireland. In Summer, we went for 8 days and the weather wasn't as bad as we all thought it would be. It was the prefect temperature and the hotel was the expensive but worth it. This is where we stayed in the summer:

Game Design Document

Using DunDoc to create my GDD for my game project was helpful to organise my thoughts for my game idea.  In  my DunDoc GDD , you will find all the information I am thinking on design my game. Information on the design, characters and game elements etc. I hope this would give you an idea what I want my game to look like. My Dundoc GDD

Unity Tutorial 04

Another blog post about Unity3D, the Unity tutorial wasn't difficult to follow and actually do it. The video helped it was clear what you had to do. Last week was a little difficult because you couldn't see if you were putting the game object in the right space but with the video you could. What we did was fun and interesting. I now know how to add a weapon in the game, make the weapon move when I want to and add in a sound. Adding in the weapon was more fun than adding in the fence. The fence was basic and easy. All we had to do was drag it in to the game and change the material of it. Changing materials are easy, we been doing that since the first tutorial. Making the weapon has more work in it. You had to add in the weapon you want to have for your game. If you want to move the weapon, go to animation and click record. You add in the frame where you want the weapon to move at what time. To make it move you don't just do that, you have to write and rewrite the posit...

Game GDD

The articles I read was  Design Considerations  by Greg Aleknevicus,  Prototying  and  Generating Ideas . The articles talks about what a publishers can do to improve a game that does involve spending money on that maybe be worth it. The articles basically tells us that it is important to show the designers where the game is heading. They are a rough example of what the designer is planning on doing with their game to look like and it's about getting the main idea of the game across. Prototypes are used to test something out, so in this case the prototype is to test out the gameplay. Testing the game will give the designer ideas on what needs to be added or take away from the game. When designing games we must come up with the idea. It can be a basic concept idea and not fully formed.  Designing a game, we need to know what rules or system, materials , narrative and market research and ask yourself these questions What game rules led to when test...

Game Vision Statement

Zoobe is what the name for the puzzle and adventure game I want to design.  It is a game where you are an animal, in a shape of a box and trying to escape from the zoo without getting caught but the humans or traps. The background story for this game is that one night the animal decided that they want to get away and out of the zoo and be free. Some nights after, one of the animal's gate was left unlock and left their "home" behind them. Since all the animals wanted to be free and actually go back to the jungle. The animal that escape went to get the key for the gate, with the help of other animals trying to get the zoo keeper drop the key to all the gates. To play this game, you are the animal who's gate was left unlock and have to get the key to open the other gates for the animal. The animal can't move by itself so you have to move them yourself without getting caught by the zookeeper or traps. To free the animal you either have to move them to the box that...

Learning Challenge: H.E.A.R.T Video

For extra credits, I decided to watch a video about  The Secret Powers of Time  by Philip Zimbardo. The video talks about the different ways people experience time and how our perceptions of time are a fundamental part of how we think and how we act. I already knew how some people still think about the past, they would either think of the good or bad or maybe both. I still think of the past when I see something that reminds me when I was a kid and if it was a good thing I would mention it to my friends and family but if it's a bad memories I would keep it to myself and ask why did I do that or why didn't I do that. What I didn't know about the "La Liga" which is a political movement to cut Italy in half to have North Italy and South Italy cut it just below Tuscany. The people in the North say they do all the work and the people in the South are like children, they are lazy and wants to have three meals. They said that the North is much more future oriented and...

Unity Tutorial 03

This week tutorial wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. When I opened up to the link my first word was "nope" and as I was going through the page to see what we had to do. Honestly, all I saw was code and told myself that it's going to be hard and I'm going to struggle for this week Unity tutorial. Surprisedly,  I didn't really had much problems with creating the clock. The only thing I couldn't work out was why every time I click play it would be give me a side view and not a bird eye view. I knew that even I click play the hours, minutes and seconds stick would move, so I knew it was working but couldn't figure out why it was giving me a side view of the clock. I did struggle at the start because the hours indicator wasn't working for me but I realised I was putting the wrong positioned number on the wrong thing. I realised that I clicked on the actually hours indicator and not the clock positioned. I learned how to use the code a...

Game MDA

This blog is another reading blog. On this blog post, I will be talking about my knowledge of Game Mechanics, Dynamics and Aesthetics (MDA). I learned that MDA is a "Taxonomy" for models. It has the knowledge of the interactions between them. There are eight kinds of "fun" when it comes to game. Sensation  - Game as sense-pleasure Fantasy - Game as make-believe Narrative - Game as drama Challenge - Game as obstacle course Fellowship - Game as social framework Discovery - Game as uncharted territory Expression - Game as self-discovery Submission - Game as pastime MDA is a formal approach to better understanding to games. It is considered to be the bridge between the game development and the game design.  One of the main concepts to understand is that the designers creates the game and the players consumes the game. The play will get the game and start to play it.  The perspective for the player can be broken into three simple plan phase, Ru...

Growth Mindset: Learn from Other Student

For this blog, I went through the Growth Mindset Padlet where student post quotes on it. Quotes that we can use as our motto, each quote was something I never thought about and had insight of the student to their growth in school, work and life in general. There was a few quotes that I like, something new and never thought of before until I read the quote. On this blog, I will share some quotes that gave me another perspective in school, work and life. I will talk about about how I can use the quote to my own life. Push Through! This quote post was from a student and it was about her failing her first semester in college. She couldn't get an A in her work and was saying why should she put any effort in when she know she is going to fail. At the end, she learned her mistake and know how to deal with failure.  I like this quote because when I do my work school/college, I am scared for getting a bad grade and if I making something or taking risk in like I'm scared that ...

Feedback Strategies

The last blog post about the feedback was the process and how we need to receive feedback about our mistakes in order to learn. This week is about how we can give feedback to others that can be part of their learning process. I read two articles, the first one was The Trouble with "Amazing": Giving Praise that Matters  by Jennifer Gonzalez and the second was  How to Give Feedback Without Sounding Like a Jerk  by Adam Grant. The first article was about how using the word "amazing" to motivate someone won't pump them up the way you thought it would. Using the word "amazing", telling someone that they are doing an "amazing job" would not encourage them on trying harder, it's just a quick lazy, and easy feedback to give and the person getting that feedback wouldn't care or put any effort much when doing their next work. In the article, Gonzalez gave us three reasons why it doesn't encourage us the way we hope it will.  " I...

Game Idea Research

Last week I brainstormed some different game ideas. This blog will be about one of those ideas and it will be the type of game I would enjoy working on for the rest of the semester and I will be focusing on the three possible game mechanics ideas that I know would work well for this assignment. The game idea I am going to focus on will be a puzzle game, my third game idea from the  Game Brainstorm  blog. This game idea was inspired by all the games I played and used to have on my phone. I want to create a game that's challenging but also fun to play. A game where the setting is in the sky and you have to move a box or something where it's supposed to be but there will be something trying to make you lose and think of your next move. Each level getting more difficult. The three or more game mechanics/rules ideas, I was thinking that would work well for the game is: Instant death  - Something causing the player to die instantly, maybe an spikes or a person/creatures...

Unity Tutorial 02

A screenshot of Unity3D While watching the two tutorials to adding some codes and explaining how and what is it for. I know how to add in the sound and making the gem disappeared, water and the ray cast to Unity3D.  Adding the sound and making the gem disappeared, you need to add codes into your GemRotate scripts. The code for that would be " public AudioSource CollectSound; public GameObject TheGem; ", this will tell unity and this is the sound for the gem. To make the gem disappeared when the player hits it is " void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) " and if you want as soon as the player hits the gem to make a sound you gonna add in as few more codes underneath that code. At first I had a problem with it because I didn't realised I typed something wrong, also recheck and reread what you are typing.  Once I got all the codes and followed the tutorials, I tested it out playing it in first person POV. I thought it was so cool how it disappeared and I d...