This week tutorial wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. When I opened up to the link my first word was "nope" and as I was going through the page to see what we had to do. Honestly, all I saw was code and told myself that it's going to be hard and I'm going to struggle for this week Unity tutorial.
Surprisedly, I didn't really had much problems with creating the clock. The only thing I couldn't work out was why every time I click play it would be give me a side view and not a bird eye view. I knew that even I click play the hours, minutes and seconds stick would move, so I knew it was working but couldn't figure out why it was giving me a side view of the clock.
I did struggle at the start because the hours indicator wasn't working for me but I realised I was putting the wrong positioned number on the wrong thing. I realised that I clicked on the actually hours indicator and not the clock positioned.
I learned how to use the code and understood a little bit of why and what the code does. Using and practising the code would most likely give me the knowledge of using it and it would be useful to use some of the codes when making my own game. The code reminded me a little of web development, when doing the HTML and CSS.
I am looking forward to learn more of Unity and the codes. I enjoyed using Unity so far.
Screenshot of the clock; |
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