Just like last week blog post, I will be discussing another 5 article that relates to my Multimedia Project for this semester, These are the different Annotated Bibliography I looked at:
Nelson, K, Plesa, D, Henseler S: Children’s Theory of Mind: An Experiential Interpretation. Human Development 1998;41:7-29. doi.org
Sue Waite, (2010) Losing our way? The downward path for outdoor learning for children aged 2–11 years, Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 10:2, 111-126, doi.org
Ferre Laevers, (2000) Forward to Basics! Deep‐Level‐Learning and the Experiential Approach, Early Years, 20:2, 20-29, doi.org
Hanan Kondratjew, Marion Kahrens, (2018) "Leveraging experiential learning training through spaced learning", Journal of Work-Applied Management, doi.org
Nelson, K, Plesa, D, Henseler S: Children’s Theory of Mind: An Experiential Interpretation. Human Development 1998;41:7-29. doi.org
- This article is about the theory versions of children's theory of mind as discussed. There's data from adults' responses to this theory task. Many college students provide an explanation while others gave straight forward theoretical explanations. The young children's experimental is suggested that they rely on background experientially. The theory of human action is based on the mindset, it is a developmental product of narrative. The theoretical and methodological are the difference from each other, these two research is for studying the children's developing understanding of others' actions and to address the terms of the theory of mind. There's a gap between the theory to the children's theory of mind, the summary theory to children's understanding of the meaning of action and talk in social life.
Efthymios Valkanos, Iosif Fragoulis, (2007) "Experiential learning – its place in in‐house education and training", Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal, Vol. 21 Issue: 5, pp.21-23, doi.org
- This article is about the experiential methods developed by trainers while carrying out the in house training programs with the aim to learn through experiences and their teaching, action or behaviour. This would show the reasons why experiential learning is important. Experiential is learning is the key tool to achieve the goals. It is based that learners make use of their experiences and appropriate educational techniques. It gives the opportunities to develop knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviour that can help in a real working and social environment. When reflecting on your experience this should lead to a new learning cycle. It can offer a new range of opportunities to learn, working environment, socio-economic and cultural characteristics.
- This article is about three empirical studies in the South Wes of England. A survey of outdoor experiential learning opportunities, examining attitudes, practice and aspirations of practitioners and children in educational and in a caring setting for children between the age of 2-11 years old. It shows that the journey of outdoor learning from early years to primary practice in England and it says that the "navigational tools" were used by practitioners. The children learning from outdoor should encourage practitioners to go back and ensure that children have the opportunities to learn outside the classroom while they are a young age.
- This article is about the framework on the "Experiential Education" project. It defined tests of academic that only means of looking at the educational outcomes. The idea of "deep level learning" is based on constructivist tradition, it catches the view on learning and development. The educational content is be constructed that can bring the children to the highest levels of involvement. This is how deep level learning can take place.
- This article is about Space Learning (SL) and Experiential Learning (EL), how they can be identified as a long term knowledge than other forms of learning. The purpose of this article is that it can confirm that SL and EL can work in a learning environment. It revealed that adding SL to El training can either give the students' knowledge retention or improvement. It is recommended to considered Sl as an effective way to increase long-term knowledge that relates to any work based or EL training. It was confirmed that the benefits of SL and EL help in a real business context. Learning both theories in training programmes can converge with realistic in the workplace and improve long term knowledge.
Learning; Source: Public Domain Pictures |
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