This blog post has all the annotated blogs I researched. It is the final literature paper for this semester game project. In case you missed my previous blog post, my game idea for this semester is to make a game for younger children in Primary School. Most likely going to be children from the age to 4 to 6. It's an interactive learning game. This game is about learning different subjects but in a fun and entertaining way. We got inspiration from Duolingo and Study Stack . The following annotated review will cover a wide variety of experiential learning that will focus on the experiencing children/students have with learning from school/home and social. Evan Ortlieb wrote about how experiential learning can have on students when learning in and out of the classroom. One of the main methods of learning is that we can learn from doing something, learning from our mistakes. Students who are interested in literacy and using technology and experiential learning should be a central...